Friday 25 April 2014


I am so busy with my first one and thankfully my earlier disruptive pregnancy symptoms are so over that sometimes I forget that I am pregnant. I almost rarely feel the baby move because I am constantly on the move. Sometimes it all makes me worried. At the same time, I am so glad to be feeling normal and wonderful (except the feeling of being as big and heavy as a planet). 

Saturday 19 April 2014


I can't believe that I am already 24 weeks along. I have gained 10kg already and feel as big and heavy as a planet. We went on a day trip yesterday and it felt exhausting. I wonder how I am going to cope with our 2 weeks long long-haul trip coming up in a months time...

Thursday 10 April 2014

Bedtime concerns

I must say that I am really enjoying the pregnancy this time around - maybe because I am feeling absolutely fine and probably I will not be pregnant again. So I kind of want it to last as long as possible. However, I am already worrying about a couple things; mainly relating to when the new baby arrives:
1.  How will I manage the bedtime with one baby and one toddler?
2. Who will look after my first one when my husband and I are at the hospital having the baby? - This has been bothering me for weeks now and with no family nearby or friends available on or around the dates, it is really concerning. I might have to be all alone at the hospital while my husband looks after our first one...

Friday 4 April 2014


Now that finally I am feeling perfectly normal, I have been wanting to have a go again at pregnancy yoga and pilates. I haven't been doing any exercise at all except for housework and running after my first one.

Things were so different with my first pregnancy. Even though I was feeling much worse, I was going to dance classes twice a week and doing yoga and pilates every week also.

It's just that now I never seem to find the time. Yet, I want to do and give everything equally the same with my second baby as well.