Friday 31 January 2014

First scan

So it turns out I am actually already 13 weeks pregnant. My due date changed again.

What is it about scans that make everything alright? It seems like all is worth it.

This one didn't move the arms and legs like a bug as my first one had done in the first scan but jumped a couple of times, turned around, almost walked in the womb. It seemed to me like the facial features looked more like me.

Now I need to start thinking about ways of breaking the news to my first one.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

To eat or not to eat sugar

I've been trying to refrain myself from sugar consumption knowing all the dangers; however, with the way I feel and the limited scope of food I can get myself to consume, it is so hard to avoid anything that doesn't contain sugar.

Seeing a documentary last night equating sugar to cocaine, tobacco and alcohol scared me even more, especially since I am pregnant. 50 years ago pregnant women were smoking during their pregnancy also. So it makes me wonder, if we should avoid sugar the way we avoid tobacco and alcohol now. I would like to do so but it is so hard given that almost anything and everything we buy contains it: bread, muesli, breadsticks, pasta sauces etc...I would be ok with not eating these either under normal circumstances but a breadstick or a piece of bread is the only that stops me from feeling so sick sometimes. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Due Date?

I finally had my first appointment with a midwife with the NHS. The GP has given me a different due date, now the midwife says I am actually 10 weeks long not 9 weeks. Of course, it will be clearer during the scan. Thankfully, despite my post-natal complications, I am still considered low-risk but I do hope that they do not completely dismiss the potential complications I could face like last time.

Nausea and fatigue are still there. Nausea less than last time but fatigue can be unbearable at times. My body goes into complete shut-down mode. I simply cannot keep my eyes open and have no sense of the world around me. This doesn't become easier as I have a two year old to look after also.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Hip Pain

Strangely, one thing that didn't happen during my first pregnancy occurred this week. My right hip has been quite painful at the joint. I haven't been able to sit or lie on my right side. I wonder if things have started to realign in my body and that's why I had this pain. I have no idea.

Saturday 4 January 2014


This week can be defined in one word:"Sleep." Thankfully, it's still been the holidays, so I could afford to take naps but I don't know how I will cope with extreme sleepiness and shut- down mode when work starts next week. 

Thursday 2 January 2014


We managed to squeeze in overseas travel and my mother's surprise birthday party this week, neither of which was stress free. My wish and hope that this time around I would be nausea free didn't come true and I am wondering if getting so tired during travels and parties made things worse. It didn't help to find the cellar flooded when we got back home and having to carry out buckets of water into the garden.