Thursday 29 May 2014

Last holiday before baby

My husband and I are on our last holiday before the baby arrives. Because we flew long distance and my first one always gets sick traveling, she is home with her grandparents.

Although we slept longer than we ever did ever since I was pregnant with my first one, I never ever want to go anywhere without my children again. Ever since I left home, my heart is aching. I am constantly thinking and worrying about my daughter. Even though we try to Skype, it doesn't ease the pain. Seeing her sad face on the screen made my heart sink. Even though we have been here for just one day, I can't wait to get back home to my princess daughter. My sweetheart...

Technology maybe is not helping work wise I keep seeing work emails, I get more and more tense about all the things I have to complete before their deadline, which is a short time after we get home.

Saturday 24 May 2014


And I feel tired again...I find it harder and harder to do a full day's work and started to wishing to procrastinate. My energy levels are suddenly very low. All I want now is to finish off all work and spend the rest of my pregnancy with my first one and preparing for the new baby.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Lack of inspiration or lack of time?

I  find that my writings in this pregnancy are much shorter than the first one. I am not sure if it is because I lack inspiration on what to write or because I am busier with my first one that I don't have time to write or to feel much this pregnancy. Although, I am enjoying the movements of the baby in my belly tremendously. The movements seem to start after 10 pm and continue through the night. I wonder if this is a sign of sleepless nights that are awaiting me once the baby arrives.

I want to remember these movements forever as it is probably my last pregnancy. I feel kind of sad that I probably won't get to experience these magical feelings again.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Miracle of female body

Even though I am getting fatter and fatter and feeling heavy as a planet, I am at awe now the most I have ever been in my life with the miracle of the female body. The more I feel my baby moving inside me (another, actual human being), my body flexing and adjusting to the baby and the fact that I will deliver it and my body will recover are aspects that are truly unique and amazing. It makes me feel so proud to be a woman. There is nothing better in the world than being gifted with the ability of being pregnant, growing and carrying a baby in the womb and delivering it to the world. A true blessing...

Thursday 1 May 2014


I seem to have more of a nesting feeling this time around than in my first pregnancy. I want to get the baby's room and stuff ready as soon as possible. Though I still have to wait for after we are back from our long distance trip at the end of the month. I am a bit worried about the trip as in how it would affect me, the baby and the pregnancy.