Monday 11 August 2014

The Waiting Game

Even though my first one was right on time and the midwife told me repeatedly that this baby would also be the same since it has been engaged for almost a month now already, the baby is nowhere in sight.

I never thought that the waiting game could be so frustrating. I want the best for the baby, so if it needs to stay inside for longer that's fine but then I am also reading some scary information about babies that are overdue. The information is making me very anxious about the health of the baby.

I don't know if it is normal to not to feel any signs of labour at his time. No contractions, no discomfort, nothing. That feels strange to me. I just really hope and pray that the baby is fine and absolutely healthy.

None of the remedies seem to be working either. I guess babies do really come only when they are ready.

I feel quite bored now as well. Sometimes I think I shouldn't have started maternity leave so early on and should have continued taking on projects. But I could not have known I guess.

There is also the issue of planning. I have been organised with babysitting, maternity nurse, when my parents would fly in, filling up the fridge etc etc. But now with the date shifting to an unknown day in the calendar, all plans are out of the window...Anyway, I just hope that all is well with the baby. That's all I care and worry about at this point.

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