Wednesday 31 August 2011

Special Request

My mum had a special request this week. She wanted me to write in my blog for my children to see later on that this year, my 4th wedding anniversary, my country’s Victory Day and the first day of the end of Ramadan celebrations coincided all on the same day. So it is indeed a special year! And of course at 37 weeks, I am already term on the same week.

So the baby could arrive any time now but it doesn’t feel like it as the baby still feels quite high up squeezing my lungs.

My husband and I made a quick trip to the countryside over the last weekend though – last quiet time with each other before the baby arrives. It was indeed lovely.

I am very excited right now and can’t wait for the baby to arrive. On the other hand, I am trying to psyche myself and not to try to rush things too much in my mind. Everything will happen when they are supposed to happen.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Baby Qualities

At our NCT class last weekend, we were asked about a quality we would like our child to have. Of course, almost all mothers, including myself said “healthy and happy.” This is really all I care about. Some dads said they would like their child to be sportive and have a left foot. I was so proud and impressed with my husband’s answer though. He said that he hoped our child to be kind and generous. Very sweet!

Now that I am in the 36th week of my pregnancy, with the knowledge that the baby could arrive any time, I am no longer scared of the actual labour and birth, thanks to the ante-natal classes. However, my anxiety over how our lives will change once the baby arrives, whether I will be an adequate mum and whether I had enough of the nutritions my baby needed to develop well has come back.

I have also noticed that I have been growing sideburns and a beard! Gosh, these hormones are really changing my appearance. I really hope that this excess hair will disappear soon after the baby is born as people claim they do…

Thursday 18 August 2011

Already a Failure?

It has been weeks since I stopped any sort of exercise, cleaning, cooking and eating properly, talking to my baby or making my baby listen to music all because of work. I have to spend hours and hours by the desk, across a computer, sitting on a chair. I feel absolutely awful. I already feel like a failed mother, not being able to take care of my baby and doing things I had dreamt of doing in the last weeks of my pregnancy. I am worried…

Wednesday 10 August 2011


I still haven’t experienced the famous nesting instincts but my husband already seems to be on track. He is fast at re-arranging the baby room and shopping. Seeing him this way makes me excited too of course.

In the meantime, I have a lot of trouble sleeping as I cannot find a comfortable position at all. In any position, either my belly hurts or I cannot breath. I guess my body is training me for the sleepless nights, which are awaiting me once the baby arrives.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Climbing Heights

I am not sure if I am the first one but I must be one of the rare 33 week pregnant women who climbed the steep cathedral tower of New College in Oxford. It seems like anything is possible in pregnancy!

Nevertheless, 14 kg heavier, I feel even fatter yet enjoying my baby’s active and sometimes piercing movements in my belly. Though I have to say that the movements have decreased significantly over the last few days.

My husband and I have finally given in and started shopping for things like bedside cot, baby bath time, baby carrier, nappy disposer. Nevertheless, we have done quite well in not going overboard and buying unnecessary items; something which I know many first time parents are guilty of.

In the meantime, I am enjoying our ante-natal classes tremendously and I think that they are helping my husband understand the entire labour process as well as getting him used to the idea of becoming a parent.