Tuesday 23 August 2011

Baby Qualities

At our NCT class last weekend, we were asked about a quality we would like our child to have. Of course, almost all mothers, including myself said “healthy and happy.” This is really all I care about. Some dads said they would like their child to be sportive and have a left foot. I was so proud and impressed with my husband’s answer though. He said that he hoped our child to be kind and generous. Very sweet!

Now that I am in the 36th week of my pregnancy, with the knowledge that the baby could arrive any time, I am no longer scared of the actual labour and birth, thanks to the ante-natal classes. However, my anxiety over how our lives will change once the baby arrives, whether I will be an adequate mum and whether I had enough of the nutritions my baby needed to develop well has come back.

I have also noticed that I have been growing sideburns and a beard! Gosh, these hormones are really changing my appearance. I really hope that this excess hair will disappear soon after the baby is born as people claim they do…

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