Wednesday 18 December 2013


My food and smell aversion is not as bad as my first pregnancy thankfully but then this made me unintentionally eat food that may be risky.

I freaked out when I found out a dip I ate contained red wine vinegar so I started reading up on it. I was relieved to find out that it didn't actually contain alcohol but vinegar, especially balsamic vinegar could potentially contain lead. Then I remembered I had incredulous amounts of balsamic vinegar and other dips and sauces with vinegar earlier as well as tap water, which apparently may contain lead as well if it is from an old building (such as the Victorian building we are living in!)

I have been losing sleep and getting upset about this situation. I called the healthline of our private insurance company and what the nurse told me was basically that there is nothing relating to vinegar in NHS Guidelines but she can see that such claims exist in various websites, so I'd better stop using vinegar all together. She also recommended that I speak to an NHS midwife.

Ridiculously, the first appointment I have been given with an NHS midwife is not for 6 weeks! So I called them and posed my question and the midwife I spoke with didn't even know what lead was.  She said again that there is nothing against vinegar in the NHS Guidelines.

Not satisfied, I have been trying to get a consultation appointment with respected obstetricians on a private basis over the last week, without success.

 I don't understand why midwifery has not turned into a factory mechanism and all concerns are shrugged off as normal and typical pregnancy worries. I do understand that NHS is really stretched for resources but taking care of pregnancy women and their babies should a priority to avoid expensive complications further down the line. 

Friday 13 December 2013

Heightened sense of smell

I have been wondering if I would have the same symptoms as my previous pregnancy but I hadn't until this morning, which made me forgot that I was pregnant most of the time. I felt a slight sickness and sensitivity towards my husband's body spray this morning, so I am afraid the same symptoms may be coming back. I just hope that they won't be as strong and long lasting as the last time.

I am also somewhat at a loss with what I can eat even though I was provided with a thorough list. I freaked out yesterday after eating a sauce with red wine vinegar. Then I looked it up to find out that it doesn't actually contain alcohol but lead! So I became even more worried. I think I will try to see a private doctor before the NHS takes its time to send me a referral letter so that I can have my first midwife appointment. 

Thursday 5 December 2013

Here we go again

I didn't expect this to happen so quick this time but it did and took me by surprise and a bit of shock. I have been testing a few times. With my first pregnancy, I had only tested once. I think that I am probably more in shock that I will have a Leo baby, which is my main concern. I haven't had the best experiences in life with Leos so far in life and I read that they tend to be babies who do not like much sleep and always want to be the center of attention. But I am sure (and hope) that all that is non-sense.

I just want to make and be sure that my first one, who is so loving and gentle, doesn't miss out on anything and that I give all I have given to my first one to the second baby as well. And most importantly, I want the new baby to be happy and healthy in every way. After all, the two are for each other to have best friends and someone to rely on all their lives as they don't have any aunts, uncles or cousins.