Tuesday 24 May 2016

Waiting again

So as of today, I am 5 days overdue based on NHS scan, 3 days by my calculations. My first one was right on time and the second six days late. Now everyone keeps asking me if I am sure this one is a girl because it is assumed - for some reason- that girls come quicker.

I am normally not in a rush at all. I prefer that the baby grows healthinly and comes out whenever she's ready. On the other hand, the midwife and the obstiatrician recommended sweep and induction. At first, I refused to interfere with nature but I was also told that it could otherwise be risky and that at least with the sweep, there are no drugs involved and if the baby is still not ready to come she won't come. So in order to reduce the likelihood of having to be induced in 3 days time, I agreed for a sweep. It's been one day and still nothing. I went for a long walk today, trying to eat spicy, pineapples, squatting and bouncing on yoga ball. Still nothing.

I am just so worried about being induced, the pain and the drugs that come with it. I would so love everything to be like the birth of my second one. So natural and smooth.

Moreover, the maternity nurse rightfully keeps chasing me because she has other commitments. The nanny is thankfully being flexible but she is having to forgo her other jobs. I am sure that it will all be fine at the end but it's all a mess and worry in my mind. I just hope that the baby is completely healthy, well, well developped. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Waiting Game

So I am into my last week. I was feeling very tired and hoping that the surge of energy I had the week before I gave birth to my second one would happen this time around as well. For the last couple of days, I have to say that I am feeling a bit better though the weather cooling off may have also contributed to that.

I don't really feel much in relation to the labour being near, though these things are so unpredictable. They can happen at any time.

The midwife confirmed that the baby's head is now engaged though my belly still measures 3 cm smaller. I don't understand why. I never had this issue with my previous pregnancies.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Absent Minded

My brain has turned into mash! I missed my midwife appointment, keep mixing up appointment times. The heat wave is not helping either. I feel extremely lethargic, down and a little panicky again. On days where I cannot cope and feel extremely exhausted, I am terrified about the prospect of dealing with three.

Due to personal circumstances, my part-time nanny now says she may not be able to help me. The physical changes that my body has gone through are really putting me down. Not being able to spend any time or have a decent conversation with my husband is also putting me in panic mode. Oh, and of course having the get up at night due to the pressure on my bladder is not very enjoyable either.

I just hope that despite all this the baby is absolutely fine and healthy. I am excited and curious to meet her actually.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Congestion and pain on hips

I find it impossible to breath at night time now as my nose is so congested. Not because I have a cold, I don't, It's just one of the perks of pregnancy I guess.

And in the last couple of days, I started having sudden shooting pains down my inner thighs. I never had that with my previous two pregnancies, so I panicked a little and did a quick internet search. It sounds like the baby is just moving down and the pelvis, the relevant muscles, joints, ligaments are loosening up. Phewww! I just hope that the baby will be full-term, healthy with a good weight.