Tuesday 24 May 2016

Waiting again

So as of today, I am 5 days overdue based on NHS scan, 3 days by my calculations. My first one was right on time and the second six days late. Now everyone keeps asking me if I am sure this one is a girl because it is assumed - for some reason- that girls come quicker.

I am normally not in a rush at all. I prefer that the baby grows healthinly and comes out whenever she's ready. On the other hand, the midwife and the obstiatrician recommended sweep and induction. At first, I refused to interfere with nature but I was also told that it could otherwise be risky and that at least with the sweep, there are no drugs involved and if the baby is still not ready to come she won't come. So in order to reduce the likelihood of having to be induced in 3 days time, I agreed for a sweep. It's been one day and still nothing. I went for a long walk today, trying to eat spicy, pineapples, squatting and bouncing on yoga ball. Still nothing.

I am just so worried about being induced, the pain and the drugs that come with it. I would so love everything to be like the birth of my second one. So natural and smooth.

Moreover, the maternity nurse rightfully keeps chasing me because she has other commitments. The nanny is thankfully being flexible but she is having to forgo her other jobs. I am sure that it will all be fine at the end but it's all a mess and worry in my mind. I just hope that the baby is completely healthy, well, well developped. 

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