Wednesday 2 February 2011


I am yet to enjoy being pregnant, let alone be fully conscious of it. The incessant nausea is making my life miserable. I cannot function and cannot eat or drink anything. I don’t feel like myself anymore.

My husband and I have decided not to break the news to anyone, including our parents until week 12 in order to save them from unnecessary joy, which may result in heartache. God forbid any heartache. I do pray that everything will be fine and that the baby will be healthy.

Though, I am worried about not being able to get all the crucial nutrition that the baby needs. I simply cannot eat anything! This is horrid.

But not being able to share the news, especially with my mom is very difficult. I so wish I could tell her and she could find a remedy to my 24/7 nausea problem. I so desperately need comforting and being taken care of right now. It feels very lonely!

I can’t concentrate on my work. I question the pregnant women who always smile in their pictures. Are they faking it? Why no one has ever told me how pregnancy sickness could be so disruptive? Maybe the other women are stronger than me and can handle it. Or perhaps it is a conspiracy against the female species to ensure that they keep on procreate…

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