Thursday 21 July 2011

Dancing Baby

Last Sunday, I gave my last dance performance before delivery at 31 weeks! I am very proud of my baby for being well throughout it all. Everyone is now expecting the baby to come out already doing flamenco movements.

My antenatal visit this week was good and bad. Bad in the sense that I found out that I already weigh 70.55 kg! I have never been this heavy my entire life. Every night, I keep dreaming of myself as an inflated, fat woman with chubby and ugly face and features. I guess that I am quite worried that I will always remain this big.

Good news was that everything is progressing well with the baby and the pregnancy. I even got to feel the baby’s head, bum and foot with my hands over my tummy. It was very cute.

The baby might be taking revenge from me this week though as ever since I stopped dancing, the baby doesn’t stop moving. Almost 24 hours a day. At times, the kicks really hurt too. So sleep deprivation is on the cards again. Anyway, I’d rather have an active, moving baby.

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