Monday 10 October 2011

Contractions, Tears and Laughter

I haven’t been able to keep up with my weekly writing because true to my due date, on week 40, my baby has indeed arrived!

5 days before the due date (Wednesday), irregular cramps have started although not painful. On Friday, I went for a walk with my mum where contractions have become stronger, by 7:30 pm we have decided to note down the regularity of them. When we reached the hospital, I was only dilated 2 cm but I couldn’t risk going back home as the pain was starting to be quite unbearable. Good thing, I didn’t go back home as the most agonising pain that exists in this world hit me pretty quick. Gas and air helped in the beginning and I must admit, I did enjoy the drowsiness. As the pain became more and more excruciating I was offered pexitocin and paracetamol but I refused. I was foolish enough to think that I was strong enough to control and handle the pain and my muscles. I agreed to sitting in warm bath, which was the best decision ever. Warm water had an incredible soothing effect. However, at the end, I was begging on my knees for an epidural.

The epidural was a life-saver at first but a couple of hours later, the pain came back with all its original intensity. My legs were numb but I could still feel everything around my belly. After suffering a few more hours, it was realised that there was a mistake with the epidural, so a second one had to be done. By then, I was completely exhausted as well as my husband and mum. We all were trying to take small naps in uncomfortable positions in the delivery room. After a long night, by Saturday mid-day I still wasn’t dilated beyond 3cm. My waters have been broken by the midwife and I was given inducing medication. Funny, after all the time and intention of staying clear of all sorts of medication and wishing for the most natural birth, I couldn’t control being so drugged up.

Towards the end of Saturday, due to our mistake of not topping up the epidural enough, the entire pain came back again! The midwife thought this could help with adrenalin and help me push. What it only did was to give an agonising pain to my left leg, which made me feel like cutting it and getting rid of it completely and it made me even more exhausted.

I was screaming like there was no one else on Earth. So embarrassing! God only knows what else I did or said. I do remember throwing up though. So ladylike!!! For the first 3 hours of Sunday morning I pushed and pushed unsuccessfully. My drugs were topped up again to almost a C-section operation level and I finally had some more energy to push but again with no success. Vantouse didn’t work and as the theatre was being prepared for a C-section, forceps finally did the trick – though the baby did refuse coming out with it as well! My mum says that as my baby was coming out, her eyes were open and she had a very serious face as if she was questioning why she was being forced out.

She was first put on my belly and then frisked away. No one had even told us the gender at the time as, as soon as it was ensured that the baby was healthy, everyone’s focus was on me. I had lost a lot of blood, endured cuts, forceps, lots of drugs, shock and my body was shaking uncontrollably. I felt incredibly cold as well. I was told that the shaking would last at least an hour; however, as soon as my baby was put back on my skin, the shaking and the coldness disappeared immediately. It was like a miracle.

To make a long story short, after checking in at the hospital on Friday evening and 33 hours of labour, we were not discharged from the hospital until the following Wednesday afternoon due to the complications I faced, especially with my blood levels. Thankfully, my beautiful baby daughter has been well.

Everything I wanted to avoid and do differently during the labour was thrown out the window. It is simply impossible to plan it. You can only pray and hope that it will turn out to be easy and quick enough and you will end up with a happy and healthy baby.

As soon as I get the chance and time, which is extremely rare to come by nowadays, I wish to write and keep record of the first days and –if possible- years of my baby daughter on a similar platform on Fingers crossed!

PS: We lost the camera with which we took my darling daughter’s first pictures and videos in a car we rented. I am completely devastated!

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