Tuesday 19 January 2016

Routines? Juggling

My worries do not go away. There are mornings I wake up (around the time when my second one wakes up lately, 5 am) and panic about how I am going to handle the mornings; feeding the baby, calming my second one down, getting my oldest ready for school, prepare breakfast for everyone, dropping off my oldest to school with the two little ones tagging alone...

I also panic about bedtime; how I am going to handle it. We are still not final on what we are going to do about sleeping arrangements, who's going to sleep where. If my second one moves in with my first one, they might wake each other up. Who will I put to bed first? How will I manage them all in the bathroom? How will I convince my oldest one not to keep her lights on and read her books loudly and play in bed because her brother will have to sleep in the same room with her. I am going mad thinking about all this and how I will cope with the exhaustion, lack of sleep, the inhuman waking up hours of 4-5am because I know what's coming... 

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