Tuesday 7 June 2016


So the little kitty cat finally arrived 10 days later than her due date. She was already 41 weeks plus 3 days according to the NHS scan.

When I was 41 weeks plus 1 day, I was scheduled for an induction at the hospital, which I wasn't very keen about. This baby had already been through so much that I didn't want anything more artificial going into her system. I made my case with the doctor and he was fine for me to wait for another 5 days. Though I agreed to have a second sweep done by the midwife.

That night after going to bed, I could feel very sporadic, painless contractions throughout the night. And all day Saturday I kept on having very irregular contractions. They were sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 20 minutes apart. The ones that were further apart were more painful than the ones, which were closer. Thankfully, I had the nanny on stand by at any moment's notice she could come over to look after my other two and we could go to the hospital.

When by 10 pm the contractions were pretty much 5-6 minutes apart and the midwife at the hospital told me to come over, we made the move. We probably reached the hospital around 11 pm and by then the contractions were definitely more painful and unbearable. Thankfully, they were quick to give me gas and air (entonox) and thankfully this time around my husband was with me. Because Luna was born by 00:08 with a single push!

She came out so quickly that she was in shock. She wasn't breathing and her heart rate was below 100. I was extremely scared and kept on telling the midwives and doctors to make sure she was ok. But very quickly, my husband heard a cough and then the cry came.

Thank God, she is a perfectly healthy baby and everything went so smoothly that by lunch time that morning we were discharged from the hospital. Before being discharged, they even let me rest in a private room in the newly renovated birthing ward, which was like a hotel and so comfortable. This baby really comes with her luck and plenty of blessings.

Only this time around my tummy felt funnier, a bit weaker, and more painful after the birth than it felt with the previous two. But the one week on now, the recovery is going well.

Whilst due to unfortunate health reasons, my maternity nurse will be around for much less than planned, having help at this time in invaluable. With two others under the age of 5, it would have been literally impossible to cope so far without any help. Especially, as the little kitten doesn't let her wind out so easily and so cries a lot (though not as much as her big sister used to).

Speaking of which, my eldest absolutely loves and adores her little baby sister and is extremely proud to be the big sister. She apparently goes on and on about her baby sister to her friends and teachers at school. My son, the middle one, wasn't very interested at first but he quickly got used to his little sister and now absolutely loves giving her kisses and cuddles. I do really feel extremely blessed to have such wonderful and beautiful children. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Waiting again

So as of today, I am 5 days overdue based on NHS scan, 3 days by my calculations. My first one was right on time and the second six days late. Now everyone keeps asking me if I am sure this one is a girl because it is assumed - for some reason- that girls come quicker.

I am normally not in a rush at all. I prefer that the baby grows healthinly and comes out whenever she's ready. On the other hand, the midwife and the obstiatrician recommended sweep and induction. At first, I refused to interfere with nature but I was also told that it could otherwise be risky and that at least with the sweep, there are no drugs involved and if the baby is still not ready to come she won't come. So in order to reduce the likelihood of having to be induced in 3 days time, I agreed for a sweep. It's been one day and still nothing. I went for a long walk today, trying to eat spicy, pineapples, squatting and bouncing on yoga ball. Still nothing.

I am just so worried about being induced, the pain and the drugs that come with it. I would so love everything to be like the birth of my second one. So natural and smooth.

Moreover, the maternity nurse rightfully keeps chasing me because she has other commitments. The nanny is thankfully being flexible but she is having to forgo her other jobs. I am sure that it will all be fine at the end but it's all a mess and worry in my mind. I just hope that the baby is completely healthy, well, well developped. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Waiting Game

So I am into my last week. I was feeling very tired and hoping that the surge of energy I had the week before I gave birth to my second one would happen this time around as well. For the last couple of days, I have to say that I am feeling a bit better though the weather cooling off may have also contributed to that.

I don't really feel much in relation to the labour being near, though these things are so unpredictable. They can happen at any time.

The midwife confirmed that the baby's head is now engaged though my belly still measures 3 cm smaller. I don't understand why. I never had this issue with my previous pregnancies.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Absent Minded

My brain has turned into mash! I missed my midwife appointment, keep mixing up appointment times. The heat wave is not helping either. I feel extremely lethargic, down and a little panicky again. On days where I cannot cope and feel extremely exhausted, I am terrified about the prospect of dealing with three.

Due to personal circumstances, my part-time nanny now says she may not be able to help me. The physical changes that my body has gone through are really putting me down. Not being able to spend any time or have a decent conversation with my husband is also putting me in panic mode. Oh, and of course having the get up at night due to the pressure on my bladder is not very enjoyable either.

I just hope that despite all this the baby is absolutely fine and healthy. I am excited and curious to meet her actually.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Congestion and pain on hips

I find it impossible to breath at night time now as my nose is so congested. Not because I have a cold, I don't, It's just one of the perks of pregnancy I guess.

And in the last couple of days, I started having sudden shooting pains down my inner thighs. I never had that with my previous two pregnancies, so I panicked a little and did a quick internet search. It sounds like the baby is just moving down and the pelvis, the relevant muscles, joints, ligaments are loosening up. Phewww! I just hope that the baby will be full-term, healthy with a good weight.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Now too small?!

I had a scare at my last midwife appointment where it turned out my belly shrunk by about 3cm! The midwife referred me for a growth scan. I've been so worried about the baby's development, whether the placenta has been functioning properly and hoping that it is just the baby's positioning.

I had the scan today and thankfully everything measured within the scale and the baby's weight seems to be 2.99kg at the moment. It's such as relief! i just hope that the baby keeps developing and gaining weight normally. She is still positioned sideways, so that might be the reason for measuring smaller. It is actually quite strange since I feel like a whale!

On the other hand, I am  so exhausted, I had to stop working earlier than planned. My second one (20 months old now) is getting off his bed at night and seems like getting into a phase of terrible twos. Great timing really!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Work work work

I need the money but I can't get the motivation. I have work and yet I feel so tired, I can't be bothered anymore. I don't know if it is because my 20 month old son has already started jumping out of his cot, which makes me so anxious for his safety and of course disrupts my sleep further. Just in time before the new baby arrives!

Last week, our next door neighbour's builders were using some sort of strong smelling glue for their new kitchen roof. My goodness...our entire house smelled like a chemical factory. I just hope that it didn't affect the baby in anyway. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Ready, set, go?

With only 6 weeks left, I think I am pretty much ready for the new baby. My hospital suitcase is packed, her room, cloths, sheets, bottles are cleaned and ready. All this puts my mind more at ease, especially considering I have taken on a new work project for the next few weeks.

The baby is quite a mover, which is excellent. I hope that I will never forget this feeling of life growing and moving in me.

My eldest is so sweet, she has already started making gifts for her sister, she calls them "ripping papers", so that the baby can rip them as she pleases.

My middle one, my son is only 19 months so he doesn't know what's going on and I do really wonder how he is going to react to the big change in our lives but mostly his!

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Travelling while Pregnant

We have decided to take our last holiday before the baby arrives with the two kids. Given I am at a late stage, we only travelled by car to a family friendly holiday camp 2 hours away from London.

Whilst the change of scenery is nice and the kids are well occupied with all the child friendly activities, it is quite difficult on me and my husband to be on our feet and watch out for two little ones at the same time.

Meanwhile, given there's little time left, I am trying to sort out the remaining bits and pieces such as stem cell and blood cord collection. 

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Leave me breathless

The baby has really been squeezing my lungs in the last week, leaving me breathless with the tiny bit of movement. Clearly, the baby has not lowered down yet.

I managed to arrange the baby's cloths in her wardrobe though. So a few more things to do before the big arrival but I am getting there.

I've just noticed a couple of brand new stretch marks in my lower tummy. By now, I am ok with stretch marks. I got used to living with them after having two babies already. But after my second baby, I was never able to get rid of the excess skin on my tummy. So I am quite worried that the excess skin will look uglier after the third one.

Tuesday 22 March 2016


I don't even drink that much water, so I don't know where it comes from but I find myself rushing to the toilet every half an hour lately.

Now that I have 9 weeks left, my curiosity grows everyday about the new baby. I can't wait to see her, meet her. I think she will have such a fantastic character, personality; a wonderful human being. I know it because she has been through so much. She is already amazing to me!

Wednesday 16 March 2016


A friend of mine just asked me if I am sure whether or not I am having twins! I felt like a whale already, now I know I look like a whale.

Being in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy (approximately) kind of put me in a panic mode; now I realise I need to start buying again all the baby items I had given away, get the baby's room ready etc. I don't want to be caught unprepared in case the baby arrives early.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

I am a whale!

I have just seen recent photos of myself and the situation is worse than I thought! And this time around I am definitely exercising more than I did with my previous two pregnancies. Though, I cannot stop myself from grazing on sugary snacks after I put the kids to bed. It's like that's my "me time" and that's how I can enjoy it.

The midwife had told me that with each pregnancy, the toll it takes on the body is harder, more difficult. I am quite worried about how or if my body will be able to recover from all that I am going through.

I just don't feel like being among other human beings. I feel so ugly and unpresentable.

On the other hand, I want the baby to feel loved and cared for. I hope I can project that to her even now.

Tuesday 1 March 2016


I cannot believe that I am already in the third trimester! Though I still have 3 months to go, which is a dread...

But my little baby is full on with her kicks, especially in the evenings and I can feel her tiny little feet. I can just about size her tiny feet. I even try to play with her when she is kicking. I try to tickle her feet back. I am really enjoying this game :-)

On the other hand, the varicose on my right calf is so massive and it is getting bigger and bigger. My leg is in a constant pain, I cannot stand up for too long, which is very annoying. I hope that this problem can easily be resolved after the baby is born.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

All Pain and Fatigue

I cannot believe that I am already a few days away from getting into my third trimester - as I completely skipped the first trimester and part of the second trimester. On the other hand, I am already so huge that I am scared about the next 2.5 or 3 months. How much bigger can I get?

And the pain! My goodness...I have constant back pain this time and cramps. It's quite uncomfortable and makes me miserable; though I am not sure if the pain and cramps are due to handling two kids under the age of 5 already or related to pregnancy.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Six and half months already

The best thing about this pregnancy has been the fact that I did not know about it for the first half of it. Now time is flying by, so I don't have to do too much waiting around. It is actually quite exciting this way!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

First Appointment

I managed to have my very first midwife appointment at 25 weeks! Better late than never I guess. Though I was made to spend 8 hours in the hospital on that day as the midwife wanted the redness on my calf to be checked by a doctor. Then I needed a scan.

Thankfully, it is not DVT but besides being quite unsightly, it is painful. At times, I can't even step on my right foot, especially if I have been on my feet all day - which is most days. Joys of pregnancy...

The lady who comes to help me part-time will be leaving for a few months when the new baby is about 3 months old as she will go to help her daughter with her new baby. So I thought it would be best to send my second one to nursery but 8 months in advance I am told that they are already fully booked! I am truly in panic mode now.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

A Marching Ton of Fat

I cannot believe that my body is going through this again: becoming so big, fat and heavy. I do worry if I will ever go back to normal again.

I feel weaker in the gym. I cannot participate as much in my usual classes.

The dark varicose on my leg has enlarged to a size of a foot. It is so unsightly. I wonder if it will ever disappear after giving birth.

I am constantly anxious about how I am going to handle everything physically and financially. I am working hard to save the money I need for the new baby but I am still very short of it.

I just want to have the peace of mind and the baby to feel peaceful as well. 

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Already Massive and Tired

I am always on the move with work and kids. It's non-stop. So maybe that's why I do not feel the baby's movements until I sit down for 5 minutes in the evening. Even then it is quite faint.

Whilst still trying to organise everything in my head (still couldn't figure out the new sleeping arrangements in the house), I am anxiously waiting for my very first midwife appointment and next scan. I hope that the baby is growing healthily.

In the meantime, I notice that I have started to get tired more easily. I still have around 17 weeks to go. I cannot afford to be tired and gaining so much weight at this point!

I am glad to have sorted out my maternity nurse and night nanny although it is going to cost me an arm and a leg, with three little ones under the age of 5, I have no other choice. The house will be crowded! On top of all that, with family members and relatives wanting to come over around the time of birth is not making anything easier.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Routines? Juggling

My worries do not go away. There are mornings I wake up (around the time when my second one wakes up lately, 5 am) and panic about how I am going to handle the mornings; feeding the baby, calming my second one down, getting my oldest ready for school, prepare breakfast for everyone, dropping off my oldest to school with the two little ones tagging alone...

I also panic about bedtime; how I am going to handle it. We are still not final on what we are going to do about sleeping arrangements, who's going to sleep where. If my second one moves in with my first one, they might wake each other up. Who will I put to bed first? How will I manage them all in the bathroom? How will I convince my oldest one not to keep her lights on and read her books loudly and play in bed because her brother will have to sleep in the same room with her. I am going mad thinking about all this and how I will cope with the exhaustion, lack of sleep, the inhuman waking up hours of 4-5am because I know what's coming... 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Concerns, Worries, Scans

I've been to four scans in a week. Being referred from one place to another. Thankfully all say that the baby looks fine  though it is too late to conduct some tests such as Down's Syndrome. I still don't know a due date, the scans show something between 17 May and 27 May!

I could only get my first midwife's appointment for one month from now! How ridiculous is that?!

In the meantime, we are still trying to figure out the room and sleeping arrangements in the house, maternity nurse, night nanny etc.

It seems like the baby is moving less now that we have finally found out she is there. I guess now she is resting and growing:-)

Monday 4 January 2016


I only found out that I am pregnant for the third (!) time three days ago and that I am already 20 weeks and 4 days, two days ago! It is so unexpected, so unplanned, such a shock!

It has been a roller coaster past three days with our lives turning upside down. We had just settled as a four member family, as a couple we were just getting back to social life, I had just started going to gym again, doing some things for myself.

We cannot even figure out how we will sort out the sleeping arrangements. My husband's biggest worry is that he will be neglected again and of course exhausted, run down with the lack of sleep, cries, tantrums. Of course, financially all our plans are out the window. I just hope that we can provide the best possible education and life opportunities for all three kids.

What's most annoying is the fact that the GP I visited, which would have been the first weeks of the pregnancy, with faintness and abdominal pains, didn't even think that I might be pregnant. It didn't even come up! So I went to gastroinstentinal specialist to figure out the cause of my abdominal pains, had to endure endoscopy and colonoscopy under anesthesia. It turns out that I was pregnant during all this and that the baby had to endure it too. Now I am extremely concerned for the health of my baby who didn't get proper antenatal care and had to be exposed to propofol as a fetus.

I am sad, lost for words, always crying with worry. I cannot sleep with the worry for my baby, my husband's feelings, my currently 16 month old son and 4 year old daughter. I already love this baby so much though. She has such a fighter in her. She let me know she was there with her movements and keeps kicking for the last three days. She is fighting for her place among us and I love her for that.